Guide to a Comfortable Recovery After PRP Hair Loss Treatment

There are a lot of ways aging can be difficult. But there are also many options for ways to look and feel younger. 

Med Spas, such as Just You Aesthetics in Tyler, Texas, offer a wide range of aesthetic medicine options to have you looking and feeling your best. 

A few nonsurgical hair loss treatment options offered by day spas like Just You Aesthetics are hair regrowth treatments, hormone therapy, microneedling, platelet-rich plasma therapies, and more. 

When it comes to feeling good, there’s nothing like being confident in the hair on our heads. Anyone who’s experienced hair loss knows how difficult it can be on many levels. No matter the condition responsible for the loss of your hair, the results can be incredibly difficult to live with day to day. 

Thankfully, you have options. And when it comes to scalp PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy hair rejuvenation solutions, the options are natural, safe, and successful. In addition, platelet-rich plasma treatments are non-surgical hair restoration, so you don’t need to go through the pain and expense of surgical hair restoration.

PRP hair loss treatment is a simple procedure that involves using your own platelets to help create healing and, in the instance of hair loss, promote the regrowth of your hair. Platelet-rich therapy is good for both men and women.

As discussed in previous blogs, platelet rich plasma treatments involve a blood draw. Your blood is then put in a centrifuge where the platelets are separated. The medical professional will then use a small needle to inject the plasma into the affected areas on your scalp. 

All PRP preparations are not the same. Most clinics use PRP from a single centrifuge spin technique.

Single spin PRP is dilute and likely contains impurities, such as red cells, that can counteract the PRP effect.  At Just You Aesthetics, we use a more sophisticated double spin technique to obtain very concentrated and very pure PRP. This concentrated PRP is much more effective for all types of treatment. 

Double spin PRP is 5 to 10 times more concentrated than that obtained from using the single spin technique. We have had a great success using double spin PRP on patients who have failed dilute PRP that was obtained using the single spin technique. 

After PRP hair loss treatment, you can expect to see results as soon as three months

But more immediately, what about the recovery? What can you do to make your recovery after PRP hair loss treatment more comfortable? 

Because it’s a nonsurgical process, the recovery is simple and relatively painless. However, it’s important to remember that, as with any medical procedure, aftercare makes a big difference to how effective the treatment is in the long run and whether you have any complications.

Minimize Swelling

Minimizing swelling is an important component of successful and comfortable healing.

There are lots of ways you can make this a priority, but some to pay special attention to are things like avoiding saunas and steam rooms for at least two days. You can imagine how a sauna after multiple small injections on your scalp might be uncomfortable and make healing harder.

It’s also a good idea to stay out of pools and hot tubs for a couple days after a PRP treatment for hair loss.


Stay Hydrated

As with any medical procedure, staying hydrated both before and after is important. Make sure you drink plenty of water to help your body’s natural healing process.

Hold the Vices

While it might not be your favorite suggestion for healing, if you want to heal better and more comfortably, cutting back or down on both alcohol and smoking can make a difference. Smoking especially can impede the healing process. If you’re a smoker, what better incentive to take a break than better hair?

Wash Your Hair

It’s recommended that in order to make your hair rejuvenation therapy more effective, you wash your hair within 24 hours. Chances are, gently washing your hair with warm (not hot) water will also make your healing more comfortable.


Limit Sun Exposure

Sunburns hurt no matter what but can cause the injection sites to also be uncomfortably sensitive. Wearing a hat and limiting sun exposure can help a lot.


Rest is crucial to aiding the body’s natural healing processes. Even though it’s a non-surgical treatment, platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss still requires a post-injection healing time. If you work full-time, it might be a good idea to plan on taking time off work so you can focus on healing for the most successful treatment results.


Cold Comfort

While applying ice directly to the injection sites isn’t recommended, a cool pack to reduce any discomfort from swelling can make a difference in your comfort after the procedure. 

When it comes to your overall well-being, feeling your best in your own body is very important. Hair loss, no matter the cause, can make people feel self-conscious, even impacting their social life. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Platelet-rich plasma treatments to combat hair loss are non-surgical, safe, and have long-term positive impacts. 

Contact your local med spa today and find out more about platelet rich plasma therapies for hair loss. If you’re suffering from other physical conditions such as acne, female incontinence, sports injuries, and even wrinkles, platelet-rich plasma is also a great option. 

Take charge of how you look and feel with PRP therapies.


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