Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is that portion of your blood that is high in platelets.  Platelets are the healing cells in your blood that rush to the site of an injury to promote rapid tissue repair and regrowth.  Platelets are potent little factories for tissue regenerative proteins and stem cell induction.  Platelets help repair scar tissue, reduce inflammation, promote new cell growth, and induce collagen formation, which can promote repair and renewal of tissues like skin, nervous tissue, hair follicles, and joint surfaces.  PRP is all natural, and even better, it is “Just you”!  There are no fillers or artificial substances that can be associated with lumpiness or inflammatory reactions.

What is PRP used for?

PRP has a myriad of uses.  It is effective for alleviating joint and tendon pain and has been effectively used by professional athletes for many years with good results.  PRP therapy helps reduce facial wrinkles and is effective for treating acne scars and stretch marks.   PRP is also used to promote hair growth in areas of thinning and hair loss with remarkable results. Female incontinence is can be greatly improved with PRP therapy.  PRP therapy has also been shown to be highly effective improving female sexual sensitivity and orgasmic pleasure.

How is PRP obtained?

To obtain PRP, blood is drawn, similar to a routine blood draw for annual physical.  The blood is then processed through a series of high tech ultra-centrifuging steps to isolate about a teaspoon of the platelet rich portion.  This preparation process takes less than 30 minutes. For some applications, the PRP can be treated with a calcium solution to activate the platelets, or with thrombin protein from the patient’s own blood serum to create a gel for injection.

How is PRP applied?

Once the PRP is obtained, is it loaded into syringes for injection.  A potent and effective numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 30 minutes, while the PRP is being prepared.  For lips and other sensitive areas, a small amount of local ansesthetic can be injected. For most areas, the PRP injections are done with an ultrafine and very short 6mm needle.  The combination of the super slim, super small needle and the applied anesthesia makes the injection process almost painless. Depending upon the area of treatment, micro needling may be used to enhance the effectiveness of the PRP and improve the final result.


Depending on the location treated, results can begin to be noted in weeks to months.  Joint and tendon treatments respond more quickly, with skin and scalp results taking longer.  For certain conditions, a series of treatments is most effective, and these are affordably priced as a package.


PRP is extremely well tolerated and there are minimal risks associated with its use, particularly since it is “Just you”!  Some minimal bleeding and soreness after injections can be noticed for the first day or two after a treatment, and these usually resolve quickly.  Often, topicals or supplements may be recommended to ensure the best results.  Some of those aftercare agents may included with the treatment, and some will be available for purchase.

Click here to see our specific services that utilize PRP

Harnessing the power and potential of “Just You” to naturally heal, improve, restore, and enhance…