Hair Rejuvenation Treatment - Effectiveness, Costs, and Safety

There are many physical side effects from aging that impact how we feel about our appearance. Wrinkles are one of the main symptoms of aging, but in today’s world, there are many treatments—such as Botox—that can help minimize how we look and feel during the aging process. But what about hair loss?

Are you experiencing hair loss? If so, you know the frustrating and sometimes embarrassing repercussions of suddenly or gradually losing your hair.

Sometimes, the loss is sudden, and other times, more gradual, but no matter what, it isn’t easy.

There are many reasons for hair loss, ranging from the natural process of aging to genetics, medical conditions, and even stress that can cause hair loss.

Whatever the reason, losing your hair doesn’t have to be a lifelong condition you struggle through.


Aesthetic medicine facilities such as Just You Aesthetics in Tyler, Texas, offer a wide range of nonsurgical hair rejuvenation treatments that are safe, effective, and aren’t cost prohibitive.

In addition, the range of treatments can be tailored specifically to the unique needs of your body and the reason behind your hair loss.

Med Spas, like Just You Aesthetics, offer therapies in combination with hormone therapy, supplements, and prescription medicine to stimulate hair growth and hair restoration.

Your hair rejuvenation therapy might include topical drops alone or be combined with other non-surgical hair restoration that generally shows hair growth within three or four months. Surgical hair regrowth isn’t always effective and can take a long time to show positive results—not to mention they can be very expensive—which makes these nonsurgical options a faster, better option.

Injection therapy is a process called platelet-rich plasma therapy. This process involves taking your own plasma and injecting it into targeted sites to stimulate the regrowth of hair. Platelets are the cells that help your body heal by stimulating the repair and regrowth of tissue.


This type of therapy is often preferred by people looking for a more “natural” solution as it doesn’t use anything artificial. The injections are done with a small, ultrafine needle and topical anesthesia, so the experience is almost painless.

Because of the minimal side effects and general effectiveness of scalp PRP therapy hair rejuvenation solutions for hair loss, it’s a great option for those seeking to reverse the effects of hair loss and move forward into a happier, more confident future.


Platelet rich plasma treatment, or PRP therapy, is available for more than just hair rejuvenation and has been successful for everything from reducing wrinkles to treating acne scars and reducing stretch marks. It’s also used in alleviating joint and tendon pain. Additionally, it’s been shown to be effective in helping to improve female sexual sensitivity.

From hair rejuvenation to wrinkle reduction, PRP therapy is a wonderful, safe, and effective treatment.

The costs associated with hair regrowth treatment vary depending on what types of treatment you’re getting and the length of time you’re undergoing the treatment.

The cost of your treatment can also be impacted by the type of equipment, the doctor’s professional experience, the location of the medical spa facility, and how many sessions are required to complete your hair regrowth regimen.

Call your local medical spa for an estimate of what your treatment will cost.


One of the reasons platelet-rich plasma hair regrowth therapy has become so popular is that not only is it effective, but it’s also safe and can be combined with other hair treatments for the most successful option for you and your unique needs.

The risks are minimal and come down to the possibility of a small, limited amount of bleeding and a bit of tenderness in the area around the injection site. These symptoms usually dissipate within a day or two of treatment.


Whether your hair loss is the result of a condition such as menopause, alopecia, a medical condition, or any other of the numerous reasons individuals experience the loss of their hair, there’s hope. Hair rejuvenation therapies offered at professional medical spas such as Just You Aesthetics provide options and results that are safe, effective, and won’t break the bank.

Contact your local med spa today and make an appointment to start your journey to a new, happier, more confident You.


Why is My Hair Thinning and Falling Out? 


What to Expect Before and After PRP Hair Loss Treatment