Why is My Hair Thinning and Falling Out? 

Hair loss is very common. Especially as people begin to age, and even more so if you’re a man. Hormones, stress, hereditary traits, and medical conditions are a few other factors that can also cause hair loss.

While losing your hair might be a common sign of aging, you can choose to do something about hair loss with various treatments. The most effective overall are PRP treatments or platelet-rich plasma treatments.

We’ll get to that in a moment, but first, let’s further examine the causes of hair loss and how/why hair restoration might be helpful.

Just You Aesthetics, a professional and experienced leader in Aesthetic Medicine in Tyler, Texas, knows the importance of looking and feeling your best.

If you’re experiencing hair loss but are unsure of the causes, it’s important to visit a medical expert to diagnose what’s causing the hair loss.

Because there can be so many contributing factors, it’s important to know exactly where the loss stems from so you and your medical professional can choose the most effective treatment for you and your unique needs.


As anyone who’s experienced it can tell you, hair loss affects many aspects of a person’s personal and social life.

Having sudden bald spots, thinning hair, or other symptoms of hair loss can cause a lot of anxiety, a loss of confidence, and even retreating from spending time in public. Many people experiencing hair loss resort to wearing hats, scarves, or wigs in public to avoid any social stigma they might feel.


Alopecia is a term for multiple different types of hair loss. It can be caused by everything from dermatitis, infections, family history, hormones, and many more factors.

Chemotherapy and other medications can be causes for Alopecia, as can nutritional deficiencies, stress, aging, and even hairstyles that are consistently pulled too tight, known as traction alopecia.

With so many potential causes, it’s very important you see a medical professional to diagnose exactly what the cause of your hair loss is and give you treatment options. Many people first attempt to treat hair loss at home on their own, but such at-home hair loss treatments can sometimes do more harm than good.

Pattern Baldness

You might have heard the term: “male pattern baldness,” which refers to when a man’s hairline begins to recede as he ages. If severe, this can even turn into total baldness. Although not as common, “female pattern baldness” also exists, manifesting more frequently as thinning hair over the entire head.

How to Treat Hair Loss and Thinning

While hair loss caused by aging might be accepted by many as a normal consequence of the passage of time, there are natural, easy solutions for hair rejuvenation.

You don’t have to spend every day feeling anxious and insecure about your thinning or receding hair.

One of the most effective methods of reversing hair loss is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure using platelet rich plasma. Scalp platelet rich plasma therapy hair rejuvenation solutions consist of using your own plasma—which has a high platelet count—to regenerate hair growth.

Platelets facilitate tissue regenerative proteins and stem cell induction as well as promote new cell growth, repair scar tissue, reduce inflammation, and promote new cell growth.

These wonderful benefits help promote hair follicle growth, among many other cosmetic benefits. Additionally, PRP treatments for hair loss are a natural method to stimulate hair rejuvenation, meaning you won’t be introducing artificial substances onto or into your sensitive skin.

In addition to being a great option for hair rejuvenation therapy, platelet-rich plasma treatments are also successful for everything from wrinkle reduction to scar treatments to female incontinence and joint and tendon pain relief—a wide range of healing from one simple treatment!  

Especially in today’s digital world, where we post and see photos of ourselves on a daily basis, cosmetic issues such as hair loss can cause a great deal of stress.

Professional, experienced Med Spas like Just You Aesthetics exist to facilitate using the most cutting-edge technologies to help you look and feel more like yourself—and even better!  

From platelet-rich plasma treatments to Botox and hormone pellet therapy, there are many effective, non-surgical options to make sure you’re looking and feeling your best.

Contact your local medical day spa today and make an appointment to see what options are available for you. Life is too short not to spend your days feeling and looking great.


Guide to a Comfortable Recovery After PRP Hair Loss Treatment


Hair Rejuvenation Treatment - Effectiveness, Costs, and Safety